Nib Consulting associates provide specialist experience from across the professions of social work (children and adults), policing and health. All the associates have been involved in the evolution and delivery of MASH projects and have individual backgrounds of front line safeguarding practice delivery.
They are the leaders in the UK regarding MASH specialist support and advice. Contact them through the company.

Marisa is a qualified Social Worker with statutory case management and strategic management experience as a Social Work practitioner and manager in Child Protection.
She has knowledge and experience as a specialist consultant and Project manager with development and implementation of Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub style models and its unique connectivity to Early Offer of Help and locality models in the UK.
In her native country of South Africa Marisa developed and successfully implemented training and life skills programmes as part of a non profit organisation to rehabilitate and strengthen youth, their families and communities in difficulty.
She delivered a combination of interventions and training in partnership with schools, youth offending institutions and within prisons with the aim to build skills and resilience so youth and their families felt empowered with the issues they faced then and in future.
Marisa has a longstanding interest in innovation and finding more effective ways of protecting children and vulnerable adults.
Marisa beliefs that efforts should be aimed at strengthening and empowering children, young people, families and their communities to create an environment where all feel supported and children and young people in particular can reflect, connect and problem solve.
As an approved ISO 9001:2008 QMS Auditor/ Lead Auditor for assessing quality management systems Marisa has experience of developing safeguarding systems and quality practice to enhance risk identification and harm prediction, traceability and continual improvement and currently conducts regular audits, stakeholder and gap analysis to highlight any areas of deficiency and potential system improvement for Local Authorities and their partnerships.
Marisa has recently presented at several national conferences concerning partnership working, intelligence led safeguarding and her Voice of the Child (#voc #childsvoice) national and international campaign
Russell is a retired police officer who for the last six years of his service was the Detective Chief Superintendent, for the Cambridgeshire Constabulary. Prior to his retirement he was responsible for the investigation into the deaths of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, and was subsequently involved in the Bichard Enquiry.
He has strong operational and strategic understanding of safeguarding children having worked in the field for over 18 years, the first five of these were working jointly in operational settings with social care.
He worked at a national level for Government and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) in relation to policy and standards issues concerning the safeguarding of children. He was a member of the team that produced Working Together 2010 and a member of Professor Munro’s review of child protection in 2011.
He was until recently independent chair for the LSCB for London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and is now the chair for Peterborough LSCB. During his time at H&F he chaired a Serious Case review panel that received an outstanding evaluation from Ofsted.
His Masters degree was in Criminal Investigation and his dissertation was on the investigation of childhood death. In 2008 he was given the honour by the Queen of the Queen’s Police Medal for his work nationally both as a detective but also in safeguarding.

Alan was a police officer with the Suffolk Constabulary for over 30 years. Alan experienced a wide variety of policing experience in both uniform and CID from major crime investigations to firearms and public order command.
It was during the time of the Suffolk murders by Steve Wright in Dec 2006 that Alan was promoted to Superintendent –
The strategy has received national recognition and has been instrumental in assisting other constabularies and local authorities to deal with street prostitution.
In September 2009 Alan took over as Head of Suffolk Constabulary’s Public Protection Directorate within Protective Services. This role involved overseeing the police response to safeguarding and protecting vulnerable people and also included management of child abuse investigation teams, the police response to domestic abuse, the management of registered sex offenders living in the community and dealing with prostitution and child sexual exploitation.
In the 2012 New Year’s Honours List, Alan was awarded an OBE for his services to policing.
Since retirement from the police service Alan continues to work in the arena of protecting vulnerable people by being the Independent Chair of the Islington Safeguarding Children Board.